Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sickness/Updates/Zumba Fun

     Wouldn't you know it? At the peak of feeling your best and making changes for the better, you go ahead and get sick. There is no greater motivation killer than days in bed and your body craving unhealthy comfort foods to get you through it. My poor mother really got the brunt of sickness with a one-two punch of strep throat and the flu. After a slight fever and aching body, I went to the doctor (which I haven't done in years) and he gave me some antibiotics as a precaution. After the bad news I went home and treated myself to some piggies-in-a-blanket and the Hobbit appendices.

     I'm still recovering, I obviously haven't exercised in the past few days except yesterday I was able to do some light work in the yard. I've been able to keep logging with LoseIt! And earned some challenge badges (but now I think they're just giving them away.) Going to keep at it and update when I can!

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      I started the above post a few days before this one, and I was wrong about sickness being the greatest motivation killer. This past week we got some bad news about a friend of our family who went to be with the Lord. Though I hadn't seen her in a few years, I mourned. I won't share too much, but this lady meant a lot to our family, and I believe it won't be long before we are able to see each other again. I haven't logged LoseIt like I had in the above post, and for the past few days just been in comfort mode.

     We had gotten the chance to walk the day before yesterday in the graveyard where my grandparents are buried. It sounds morbid, but it's pretty customary for people in Hawaii to hang out at graveyards with their family and loved ones, sometimes eat lunch. It's a good place to remember, which my family and I've been doing the past few days. Remembering the good old stories, singing and thanking God.

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Pretty much sums me up. PC TheMetaPicture
     It's 9:30 PM. I needed to work out. I wanted to do something that wouldn't make me miserable. Biggest Loser was eliminated right away. I wasn't really in the mood for yoga, so I reached to the top of  my movie shelf and out of a dusty box came my old Zumba dvds. A few years ago my mom and I decided to take the leap and get the dvds after I'd gone to some classes at my local rec center and LOVED it (though the demographic consisted of women twice my age.) Doing it at home would be just as fun, and I don't run the risk of being secretly recorded by a random stranger (true story--a sad, but true story.)
     The Zumba craze, both in popular culture and my own conscience, has since died down. I don't even remember the last time I did it. I always did the easiest dvd, but I wanted to switch it up and opted for the twenty minute workout. Five minutes in reminded me of why I stopped doing it. Even in the sanctity of my own home I was embarrassed by my flailing limbs and poor ability to follow the repetitious steps. All I could do was laugh to myself. But at some point you say, ah! whatever! Which brings immediate and immense enjoyment. I cumbia-d and salsa-d myself silly and was reminded of how much I love to dance--even if I'm terrible at it! After the twenty minutes, I searched on youtube for some fun k-pop Zumba routines and was successful~ I don't know if it was the change in the routine, but I think the Zumba dvds might stay off the top shelf for a while :)

The Daughter

PSY's "Gentleman"! It's a fun song and easy routine, try it out! From CrazySockTV

Friday, January 9, 2015

Catchup Diet

    I read a quote recently that caused me disappointment: you can't outrun a bad diet. Essentially if you want faster results, it would help if you ate a diet that would support your body instead of eating what you want and trying to exercise it off. I know what you're thinking--well duh. I know all this stuff too, I guess I wanted to skate by with exercising a lot and being able to eat whatever; it worked for me in the past. In any case, I'm catching up my diet with the exercise I've been doing and it's been a little difficult.
     I decided to get back on LoseIt! after several e-mails harassing me about joining new challenges and updating to Premium. In fact, I accidentally joined the Make Healthy Happen challenge; I'm not sure what it's about but I'm down to do it as long as I don't lose any money in the process. (They didn't ask for any card numbers did they?)
     The first few days ended in candy canes, but I'm improving. This morning started out with a kale-banana-honey-chia smoothie that tasted like it was good for me. I'm a texture person, so the banana and chia seeds gave the consistency was similar to pudding-- not something I'm looking forward to in my smoothie. After watering it down and plying my parents with some, I managed get the majority in my system. It could be the power of suggestion, but I think the random bouts of chicken-skin is my body's way of shimmying for joy. I've done something good for myself today.
     Over half my house has been stricken with various illnesses, so I've been taking a break from strenuous exercise the past few days. I'm hoping to begin again soon, I think my body misses it.

Stats: 206.7 pounds--down about three pounds since the beginning of the year~!

My Challenge Accepted Badge! Yay…?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Pounding the Pavement…Literally.


    This was my final day of Jury Duty.  Because I went to court this morning, I missed our normal walking time.  Daughter and I thought it would be nice to try and get an afternoon walk done in celebration of the end of Jury Duty and the continuation of our fitness goals for the day.  We embarked on our walk at 4:02 pm and upon arrival at our "special place" we found a very different dynamic.  Instead of finding the "Top O' the Mornin'" crowd of cheery hearts hungry for fitness, friends and  fellowship, we stumbled upon those poor so-and-so's who worked all day at a job they hate, drove home in bumper to bumper and needed to get this walk/run done so they can get dinner made, get to bed and do it all over again tomorrow.  No offense, but this was a very different crowd.  These people didn't smile; well, not naturally.  Some were no-nonsense, get-out-of-my-way-I'm-trying-to-walk-here individuals, while others were there with their designated walking partner to blow off steam with every step, so forget any response from them to my "Hi, how ya doin." We also encountered families with kids or pets on the path and in the park.  Fathers trying to train their sons to throw the football correctly and pet owners who were taking their pets for the Cesar Millan prescribed walk that all good pack-leaders perform daily.  Apparently, some of those pack-leaders were not so responsible because on one of our laps, I saw that someone's pet befouled the walking path with no attempt at clean-up, something the AM crowd would never allow.

     Maybe it wasn't just the PM crowd that made my normally heavenly walk a hellish trek.  I found that with every step I took, I was feeling a kind-of energy hemorrhage which was foreign to me.  It was a chilly afternoon so I did feel the stiffness and soreness that comes with age, however, I fully expected to walk that off after a few minutes of cardio which increases circulation and provides a sense of well-being.  Perhaps my jubilance over the completion of my jury duty assignment and celebratory sugar fix was to blame.  In addition, I was up frequently throughout the night before taking care of a sick grandchild. It seemed that with every step I took, my legs got heavier, my breathing got more laborious until I even felt wobbly and wondered if I could finish the last 2 laps with daughter who in contrast, was jogging and thoroughly enjoying her time on the path.  I watched her almost effortlessly, like a gazelle glide down the straight stretches of the path with an air of tranquil beauty.  She seemed to channel some ethereal plane that translated her to heights unknown, well, unknown to me at the moment.  I was awestruck at her exuberance.  Why was I in agony,while she was in bliss.  I did not want to quell her enthusiasm so I completed the remaining laps and hobbled over to the car for a quick stretch before abandoning this awful place to take refuge in a hot shower and oversized sweat shirt.

     Needless to say, this walk was very different from the majority of my experiences on "the path of life."  When I perused my past blog posts, I wondered who that  "crazy lady" was and what was she drinking?
I will say no more signed, The Mother.

Progress: 1 hour without vomiting, voiding or evacuating. Success !  Until next AM walk.

Morning vs. Afternoon/Kismet Meet-Up at the Back Wall

Mountain view! Can't even tell there was a storm recently.
     Two days in a row! I've got a few posts to catch up on; Mom's posts have been on fire. Though my niece is on the mend from a cold, we've been able to pursue our health goals with help from my awesome sisters T and J. So glad she's feeling better.
      Madre and I were able to get about a forty minute walk in Sunday morning. There was a raging storm the night before, so there was trash and debris everywhere. During our chat, Mom would occasionally pick up bits of trash we would see around--lids with the straws still attached, fast food wrappers and the like. I'm proud to say this is a common practice for her and it inspires me to do the same. It really is a privilege to visit and use a park as beautiful as this one, and it's important to do our part and keep it clean. I'm guilty of overlooking these instances, focusing more on the workout or bits of conversation. I'm lucky my mom looks at these outings as an overall experience rather than just a workout. In this spirit, my mother is also readily able to talk to the people we meet along the way, bidding them hello and flashing a warm smile, while I follow her cue a step behind.  I tend to shy away from social initiations while sweaty and out of breath, but mom in her graceful way adds an air of friendliness wherever she goes.

     Today we went spur of the moment this afternoon--a rarity since that is a busy time for us both. It was unexpected how the experience differs between morning and afternoon. Mornings, as described in previous posts, haven't too many people, besides the regulars on the path. We were surprised to see a lot of people at the park, mostly using the path while a man and his son rode pocket bikes on the field. The demographic of people changed as well. Morning park goers seem to move at an easier pace, rising early to greet the sun and start the day. The afternoon brings out men and women coming home from a busy day at work and catching a quick jog; others are friends meeting up and families going for a work out then hurrying home before sundown. I, inspired by other men and women, even jogged some of the straight portions of the path to keep up with the frenzied afternoon pace. Mom didn't care for going in the afternoons, but after a while (mostly the endorphins kicking in) I found the experience exciting and enjoyable; I'd definitely go at that time again.

                                               *                              *                               *
     Yesterday, halfway out my back door to hang some laundry I heard the voice of our next door neighbor wishing my family and I a happy new year. Miss O is a beautiful, outgoing woman with a wonderful family and the best dog you'll ever meet. I also find on occasions when we do talk, there is a bigger reason for doing so, and this time was no exception. Among the many subjects we touched on, we got on the subject of taking better care of our bodies. We shared our dieting woes of wishing for food that was both flavorful and healthy, as well as our confusion over portion control (what does a fingertip's serving of cheese actually mean? Is it the length or the width?) It's encouraging to know I'm  not the only one continually struggling with these issues, though I feel I have fewer excuses for my lack of body maintenance.
     Just today we met again over the back wall where Miss O lent me a book of weight training exercises for women. Weight training is something I haven't been comfortable with since I know nothing about proper technique, but I'm hoping this will bring me to another level in my fitness. I usually shy away from fitness commitments of any kind, however I think it's good to have as much support and accountability as possible. I'm happy to have another ally on this journey and look forward to learning and accomplishing as much as possible on the way.

     Here's to all the women and men making changes, taking risks, failing and succeeding. Let's keep the momentum going strong. For what it's worth, I gotcho back!
Listen to Richard!

     God Bless,
     The Daughter

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Path Less Traveled

The Path
Daughter and I decided to get an early start on Sunday.  We had a storm the night before.  As we approached the park, we saw toppled trash cans, fallen trees and other debris which hinted at how powerful the storm was.  The sun was out but there was still a winter nip in the air that lingered our entire walk.  Due to the unusual weather, we had had several days of cold by Hawaii standards.  In our neck of the woods, if the temperature drops below sixty or seventy degrees it is officially cold.  Our mainland family and friends laugh but for us, it's pretty frigid.  There was no one on the path that morning, just the departure of a young man who had finished his walk and was getting in his car when we arrived.  The stretch was especially difficult due to the cold but it was wonderful to be able to steal away for a brief walk.

     As we started, an air of environmental responsibility descended and we felt it our civic duty to pick up debris and police the area that gave us so much pleasure.  We also thought of our good friend who cleaned the park on a daily basis.  We didn't want her to feel overwhelmed by what would greet her, her first day back to work, after the storm.  Something happens to you when you give yourself over to unselfish acts of kindness.  There was such of sense of responsibility as we strained to pick up as much trash as possible.  A kind of pay-it-forward attitude took over.  With every piece of rubbish I retrieved from the furthest reaches of our walking path, no matter how wet or disgusting it might be, I was doing heaven's work and someone would probably see it.  Witnessing these acts would be so contagious that it would literally change the world.  These are the kinds of mind games I indulge in while trying to get the all-important walk done.  It's usually not about laps or BPMs for me.  My primary goal  is about exploring the spiritual heights and depths of my own mind in a totally, unrelated (to exercise) thought patten.  This conscience practice, I believe, meets the needs of the intangible universe. The secondary effect on my own existence is an elevated heart rate, sweat and an ever-so-slight resistance effect on the large muscle groups in the lower extremities.  After being at the park, I always feel like I have in some way, benefited my whole being; or at least that's what I tell myself.

     Daughter and I had decided to do a forty minute walk because we had a sick little girl waiting for our return.  As we approached the car on our last lap, we realized that there were two  "newbies" on the path.  One of them approached as we commenced our stretching regime.  I looked up at the approaching fitness seeker and noticed she seemed very closed off as I was about to exchange pleasantries with her, which is my custom. I hesitated at first, but in that moment, thought it best as a veteran park user  to instruct her in the happy manners and practices employed by those who use this park almost daily.  I looked her in the eye and said a hearty " Good Morning " She immediately chimed in, "Good Morning….Let's get our move on!"  I then realized, the manner of her previous expression was not an accurate depiction of her true feelings.  As it is with all of us, we make a decision to connect or not.  She was so delightful, joyous and jubilant, I am so glad I didn't let my first impression of her keep me from greeting her. Lady-Love, as I will affectionately call her from now on, said she was just starting to use this park and would see us again.  Lady-Love will be such an encouragement on the path this year….I look forward to many cheerful exchanges with her.

Daughter and I left the park that day feeling good about our ability to help up-keep the grounds,  touch the universe and connect to one of God's Children.

Progress: 40 minutes, good deeds and a new friend.

Friday, January 2, 2015

More than a Walk

I honestly don't remember the last time we walked.  I got sick the week before Christmas.  It was
" the virus " everyone had at school, work and in the neighborhood.  I took pride in the fact that everyone had " it " but me and they were getting better.  Now that I think of it, we did have our last walk on Sunday, December 14, 2014.  I remember this because my Granddaughter was out of school the whole week before and returned to school that Monday, the same Monday I triumphantly declared to her teacher " everyone was sick except me. "  I left the school that day and realized that my throat was beginning to get sore.  I went home and preformed my sacred ritual of splashing hydrogen peroxide on my face.  This practice was the sure-fire way to kill any "bug" trying to attack.  Not to mention, this next two weeks were going to be a doozie.

The daughter tried to comfort me as I gradually felt worse.  She reassured me that it was ok and we'd walk when I get better.  Periodically, I would notice her sneak off and do a workout to maintain her fitness while I was laid up with all manner of cold symptoms and a cough that did not let up until last week.

To make matters worse, I got called for Jury Duty the last week of December.  I didn't worry too much because I was convinced that my JD would be cancelled or rescheduled due to the upcoming holiday.
I was 0 for 2, not only did I get sick, I also had to go to Jury Duty.  I tried to make a deal with God not to allow me to be picked for service but that was not the case.  I can not mention all that took place the last three weeks but  I am recanting some of the events leading up to today because it was truly a miracle to be on the walking path.

"Daughter" was up early this morning and was preparing to take her own walk.  I had been thinking how lovely it would be to join her this fine morning and why not, it was the first day of this new year.

While we got into the car and backed down the driveway, I got a twinge of excitement in my being.  I was hoping that I had not lost too much of the fitness level we had achieved the weeks before my illness.
It was a beautiful partly cloudy day.  New Years Eve had been very active the night before with piles of red fire-cracker paper on the driveways of many homes lining the way to our destination.  Down a long hill, past the neighborhood church, left at the light, over the bridge and another left turn brought us to one of the best-kept secrets in our quiet community.  Our walking path has a 360 degree view of the mountains and the sea.

There were only two people at our park today.  No doubt, the usuals, were sleeping in because of the late-night celebrations that commenced the night before, after all, it's a holiday.  I was doing a quick stretch and looked around to make sure there were no poor unsuspecting souls, who would catch a glimpse of me stretching my quads and warming my calves.  I like to protect myself and others from such displays that might create an awkward moment on the walking path as we greet one another on our initial go around.  As I gazed down the length of the field, I saw what looked like a man lying down on the grass.  Daughter and I checked our time and headed in the direction of the man while discussing possibilities for the coming year.  Ideas were flowing, the pace picked up and the man-on-the-grass came into clearer view.  As we approached I wondered why the man was laying on a mat in this particular spot.  He didn't look homeless.  He seemed well manicured with long beige cargo pants of a light colored shirt.  As we got closer, we saw a woman lying on the mat next to him.  I wondered if they were tourists who spent a romantic night in a dark park, under the almost half moon, in Hawaii, on New Year's Eve. They didn't seem phased by our presence as we past by their position.  We tried not to make eye-contact, all the while continuing to consider blogging about our goals for 2015 and what challenges we would face to implement our next endeavor.  We crossed paths with several Dogs with their pets and greeted them joyfully which is our custom. Before we knew it, we approached an hour of walking and decided to start blogging our fitness escapades and any significant happenings arising from our experiences.  Daughter was very encouraging as she assured me that we were doing something important by documenting our year of fitness.  I know that she has every confidence in this process.

When we approached our car, we took a long look at paradise.  The place where thoughts can become actions, sweat can turn into progress, strangers  become friends and shared ideas can build our future.

Paradise:  A religious or metaphysical term for a place in which existence is positive, harmonious and eternal.

Progress: 1 hour walk, new goals and affirmations, blogging project.    

Thursday, January 1, 2015

First Walk

     The first morning of 2015 began with a lovely walk at our favorite park. It's home to a football field and a baseball diamond, with a walking path encompassing the open field. Following the length of the field we see how the majestic green mountains extend into the ocean, which on some days can be still as a lake (or what I would imagine a lake to be). We also get the luxury of ocean breezes that are especially welcome on hot summer days. Hopefully we can post a picture soon!

     We've been semi regulars over the years--enough to exchange friendly banter with the caretaker lady and recognize some of the really dedicated park-goers. One of the best parts of this place is there are rarely more than ten people walking the path at once, leaving little opportunity to feel embarrassed. Sometimes mom in all her awesomeness will suggest jogging portions of the path, which we can run unashamed for lack of crowds. We also learned from our park brethren that nine laps on the walking path is equal to four miles exactly, so it's a little easier to determine our mileage. We average about six laps per walk, not too shabby in my opinion!

      Today's walk was about an hour with the sun already high in the sky. It went by pretty quickly, as we were deep in philosophical musings and thinking about the upcoming year. We talked about all the ideas bouncing around in our heads (one of which you're reading right now) and decided, why not pursue them? I so appreciate this outlook in my mother.Though she's so called "middle aged" (sorry mom!), she doesn't really act like it. She always open to new ideas and opportunities for change; refreshing for an age where people are looking forward to financial security and retirement. Life is still malleable and she's going to live it.

     Though we made it through pretty well, it amazed me how quickly we can lose our fitness. The last few weeks in December I spent doing a lot of at home workouts with heavy cardio and yoga. I developed a deeeeeep appreciation for yoga and understood the strength and endurance it takes to practice it. We took a break over the holidays and need to build up again. It's kind of a bummer, but it's best to pick back up now rather than later. We're still finishing our New Years treats so my diet isn't great, but exercising is a solid first step.

     In the spirit of "going for it" I'll post my current stats for the beginning of the new year. I'm 209.6 lbs, which I can work with. I'll be thrilled once I'm under 200! 

The Daughter

Blurry or Artsy?



Mom with a Blog

Happy New Year !

      To some, those words are unsettling.  They are added pressure on an already stress-filled season of overeating, over-spending, family engagements, and all those other conflicts that arise when the holidays arrive. Peace on earth is measured by a moment as simple as finding a parking space.  To others, the words 'Happy New Year ' symbolize a new start with a clean slate on which to forge never-before realized endeavors.  It means that I can start over and maybe even achieve something lasting that will change what "I" think about my mind, my body and my life.

     Starting this blog with my daughter is definitely a new experience.  I consider her a writer and know that "a writer" must write.  I believe that her view of life is something that this world really needs.  She is not just optimistic, she sees beauty in what most people miss.   She is one of those rare individuals who, no matter what she went through, does not let it taint her faith in God, the world and her fellow-human.  I hope that my encouragement, by way of participation will give her inspiration to write amazing insights that will be the joy in someone's day,  the difference between starting and finishing or even just that "belly laugh" we all need so desperately from time to time.  I have first hand knowledge of this because she has provided all of those things for me.

     Now, for the details that give this blog a reason…..I am a wife, mom and grandma who has been overweight most of my life.  When I was younger, I was somewhat fitness-minded but did have issues with overeating, under-eating and for a short time abused diet pills and laxatives.  I am 200 plus pounds, have chronic health issues like most fifty- year olds but can turn it around if I change my lifestyle.  My exercise of choice is walking for at least half an hour.  We have trained for and entered 10K races.  My personal dream is to do a half-marathon.  I love my family and as we have started a new year, I would like to be healthier by the end of it so, today, as they say, is the first day of the rest of my life.

     "The Daughter" has been my faithful walking partner for the last 6 years.  If there is anyone I can count on in this endeavor, it is her. I have enjoyed our walks together because they are more than exercise.  We have prayed together for family and friends, conducted many philosophical and religious discussions about the woes of humanity, pondered the questions of the universe and snort-laughed about silly experiences so hard, I once had to sprint to the park bathroom or else…Anyway, I hope to give it my best signed, " The MOM. "

January 1, 2015…..Here We Come !

Cliches and a Terrible Pun: An Introduction

     Please, not another fitness blog. Not another blog that starts January 1st and ends on the 9th. Not another blog that will end when the author tires of reporting her waning motivation and lapse in diet resolve. Please don't post entries that will start with witty remarks and colorful stock photos of scales and green food and deteriorate into bland blocks of text that leave us more discouraged than when we came. From the writer's perspective even if no one reads it, it becomes a pang of anxiety every time you reach for that second cookie or skip a workout in favor for Netflix. In this situation, between the writer and the reader, one of them is doing their job while the other adds the task as a feather in their cap of failure.
Broke the stock photo rule already
     So, what's a girl to do? Especially a girl that's done this before and, to be brutally honest, failed? How does a twenty three year old in this day and age find any motivation for health and life in general?  Start a blog with your mom. Well, hey! It worked when we were all kids, right? Our mom got us off our butts to do everything: get to school on time, eat our veggies, bathe. My mom, amid the millions of wonderful things she is, has always been a wonderful source of encouragement throughout my life. Though I think my mom's been too kind to me, she's always been an advocate of self improvement, and in my case, not being too critical on myself to the point of giving up all together. She's supportive of my ideas, which is why she's going along with this shenanigan in the first place. 

     Everything you need to know about me you could get from my linked blog above (only 21 posts--pretty entertaining!), but if you'd rather not, I'm a female that's been overweight all my life; but for a brief, shining moment in high school I got down to my smallest, only to go back up after college. One thing different from my previous blog is that I've actually been able (by the grace of God) to keep twenty pounds off from my max weight. I've also been part of some awesome Facebook groups with friends and family that's kept me motivated the past few years. I really want to stay on this road to fitness, and I'm so excited my mom has decided not only to join me but to write! Both my parents are phenomenal writers and I'm so happy mum is going to share her thoughts and talent with the world!

     Yes, this is a blog about fitness. Yes we're starting this on January first. I don't know how long we can keep this up. You really have no reason to read it. But, like mum and I are starting this blog, we're taking a chance, so can you! I'm going to keep this journey as honest as possible with a slant toward the bubbles in the pink champagne (or in my case, apple cider) of life. I can't help it, the ridiculous and whimsy make my world go 'round. Having this experience with my mom, who's been my ride-or-die person all this time is in a word, excellent. So here's to twentyFITteen--a terrible pun that I'm not sorry for. First workout of the year to be posted soon! 

Cheers to the New Year! 
     The Daughter