Monday, June 15, 2015

JM Shred with TD and TOD

Good morning all,

This morning, two days after the Jillian Michaels "Shred" workout, I was more sore than ever.  The only thing that makes sense, since I spent most of my day yesterday stretching those sore muscles, is to do Jillian again.....Call me crazy, but I don't think I can positively effect my sore body without doing the work out again.  It's the only way to hit those muscle groups and possibly get some relief.

To my surprise, my girls consented to do Jillian Michaels with me this morning.....I was stoked!
As we started our ascent up the mountain that IS a Jillian workout, we realized that her warm-up is simply not adequate enough in terms of giving one enough time to prepare for the "butt-kicking" of your life.  Then, like she heard us talking, she slapped us with a barrage of cardio jumping jacks, windmills, and some type of boxing move....I can't really recall what it was because I was just trying to breathe and stand upright.  Before we could mentally process it, we hit the sheer rock-face, of Jillian's strength circuit which consisted of AB crunches,  reverse crunches, back up to J Jacks and shadow boxing then squats with hand weights.  This went on for a while.... I was grateful that my ear hadn't gotten plugged like the workout before, but my harsh exhaling and deep groaning were an indication that I was holding on for dear life.  We were giving it our all; the sweating, the panting, the cussing (not out loud) was slowing becoming a frenzied escalation of panic and about to spill over into a psychotic fit of rage.   All of the sudden, Jillian said "this is the end of the cardio, strength and resistance segment".....We had arrived atop  the breezy summit of our workout!  Ecstatic smiles washed over our faces as we began to stretch and cool down.  It was like looking down from heaven onto the earth below.  You notice the beauty of the oceans and landmasses and cloud formations, but your view is not obstructed by wars, climate change and the requirement of political correctness which has destroyed our ability to tell a joke, give an opinion, or even tell the truth. ( It's amazing how profound you become when your life has been spared by Jillian Michaels).  I felt like a million bucks.

Breathing returned to normal and muscles stopped quivering.  I even noticed that the severe soreness had vanished which made sense on some level to my body.  We congratulated ourselves on our survival.  It was truly a treat to workout with "the daughters." I felt myself trying to keep up with them.  They are very motivating to me.  I hope they had a good time too.

Progress:  20 minutes of Jillian Michaels.....Like climbing a mountain......maybe more activity later.

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