Thursday, May 21, 2015

Four Months Gone--Here's What's Happening

     I once read dieting is the same as anything else one wants to succeed in--it takes practice. Though I haven't updated this blog as faithfully as I would've liked, I'm thrilled to say this hasn't stopped me in my continued pursuit of health, nor will it stop me from continuing to update posts, no matter how far between they are.
      We're almost to the middle of 2015! How the months continue to fly! As for my weight, I'm averaging around the same as my last post, between 206-208 pounds. It's maddening how close I am to being under 200, but it gives me a goal within my reach to look forward to.

     I've been working out on and off the past few months, not consistently enough to show significant progress. Maintaining is okay for now, but I'm looking forward to getting the ball rolling again. The past months have been a whirlwind. Spring is a huge birthday time in my house--there are are three birthdays in April alone, including mine. There's been a funeral, performances, rallies and me and my younger sister both got our wisdom teeth removed last month.  Unfortunately, attention to my health has faded a bit with all the excitement, however getting back on the horse is part of life.

    Our progress has slowly built since there's been a lot of sickness going around our house again. My poor mother is still recovering a bit, but she's vowed to take it slow and build up gradually, contrary to going hard and burning out too quickly (she and I have both been guilty of this). For the past two weeks, I've been taking to walking, particularly in my neighborhood. There are a lot of hills where I live: some rolling, some steep, others winding. Reaching the top of one is always nice, but the best part is in the decline when all you do is follow your legs.

     Just last week we returned to our beloved park, and warmly welcomed back by the park keeper. "No news is good news," she said, "nobody died." We were happy at the report. We walked together for half an hour before mom decided it was enough; I continued for a few minutes more. As I jogged along the side of the park parallel to the road, I heard a car honk and turned to see an uncle behind the wheel of a tourist bus waving and giving me thumbs up for support. I looked around to be sure it was intended for me, but neither saw anyone in front or behind. That was an experience!

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     As if I didn't have enough to motivate me, one of my dearest friends is getting married and asked me to be her bridesmaid! I'm one of four gorgeous ladies who have the privilege of standing by this lovely lady's side on her wedding day. I have to admit, the first thing I said to her when she asked was "I gotta go work out!"

     A few days later we'd gone to the bridal shop to help her decide on a dress and try on bridesmaids dresses. I'm not the most fashionable girl around, so the whole process was nerve-wracking.
Congratulations M&W!
I'm also on the bigger side, so finding dresses in certain styles in my size was...difficult. The bride requested all of us pick out whatever style we felt most comfortable in and we'd order it in the same color. I've never tried on so many dresses at one time in my life! High-low, a-line, short, long! And none of the dressing rooms had mirrors so I had to be extra careful lest I walk out with the back of my dress be stuck in my underwear!

      We all decided on one style--a sleeveless, knee-length number in a dark red. Again, since this was my first time doing something like this, I wasn't aware measurements were required to be taken. The sales girl called us all over one by one and measured bust, waist and hips. She asked which size I wanted, to which I replied 16, a size smaller than what I tried on. She made a face. It looked like a mixture of surprise and worry. It gave me even more anxiety. (How does the alteration thing work again?)

     Never the less, I'm excited. Experiences, successes, failures and everything in between!

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