Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sickness/Updates/Zumba Fun

     Wouldn't you know it? At the peak of feeling your best and making changes for the better, you go ahead and get sick. There is no greater motivation killer than days in bed and your body craving unhealthy comfort foods to get you through it. My poor mother really got the brunt of sickness with a one-two punch of strep throat and the flu. After a slight fever and aching body, I went to the doctor (which I haven't done in years) and he gave me some antibiotics as a precaution. After the bad news I went home and treated myself to some piggies-in-a-blanket and the Hobbit appendices.

     I'm still recovering, I obviously haven't exercised in the past few days except yesterday I was able to do some light work in the yard. I've been able to keep logging with LoseIt! And earned some challenge badges (but now I think they're just giving them away.) Going to keep at it and update when I can!

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      I started the above post a few days before this one, and I was wrong about sickness being the greatest motivation killer. This past week we got some bad news about a friend of our family who went to be with the Lord. Though I hadn't seen her in a few years, I mourned. I won't share too much, but this lady meant a lot to our family, and I believe it won't be long before we are able to see each other again. I haven't logged LoseIt like I had in the above post, and for the past few days just been in comfort mode.

     We had gotten the chance to walk the day before yesterday in the graveyard where my grandparents are buried. It sounds morbid, but it's pretty customary for people in Hawaii to hang out at graveyards with their family and loved ones, sometimes eat lunch. It's a good place to remember, which my family and I've been doing the past few days. Remembering the good old stories, singing and thanking God.

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Pretty much sums me up. PC TheMetaPicture
     It's 9:30 PM. I needed to work out. I wanted to do something that wouldn't make me miserable. Biggest Loser was eliminated right away. I wasn't really in the mood for yoga, so I reached to the top of  my movie shelf and out of a dusty box came my old Zumba dvds. A few years ago my mom and I decided to take the leap and get the dvds after I'd gone to some classes at my local rec center and LOVED it (though the demographic consisted of women twice my age.) Doing it at home would be just as fun, and I don't run the risk of being secretly recorded by a random stranger (true story--a sad, but true story.)
     The Zumba craze, both in popular culture and my own conscience, has since died down. I don't even remember the last time I did it. I always did the easiest dvd, but I wanted to switch it up and opted for the twenty minute workout. Five minutes in reminded me of why I stopped doing it. Even in the sanctity of my own home I was embarrassed by my flailing limbs and poor ability to follow the repetitious steps. All I could do was laugh to myself. But at some point you say, ah! whatever! Which brings immediate and immense enjoyment. I cumbia-d and salsa-d myself silly and was reminded of how much I love to dance--even if I'm terrible at it! After the twenty minutes, I searched on youtube for some fun k-pop Zumba routines and was successful~ I don't know if it was the change in the routine, but I think the Zumba dvds might stay off the top shelf for a while :)

The Daughter

PSY's "Gentleman"! It's a fun song and easy routine, try it out! From CrazySockTV

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