Thursday, January 1, 2015

Cliches and a Terrible Pun: An Introduction

     Please, not another fitness blog. Not another blog that starts January 1st and ends on the 9th. Not another blog that will end when the author tires of reporting her waning motivation and lapse in diet resolve. Please don't post entries that will start with witty remarks and colorful stock photos of scales and green food and deteriorate into bland blocks of text that leave us more discouraged than when we came. From the writer's perspective even if no one reads it, it becomes a pang of anxiety every time you reach for that second cookie or skip a workout in favor for Netflix. In this situation, between the writer and the reader, one of them is doing their job while the other adds the task as a feather in their cap of failure.
Broke the stock photo rule already
     So, what's a girl to do? Especially a girl that's done this before and, to be brutally honest, failed? How does a twenty three year old in this day and age find any motivation for health and life in general?  Start a blog with your mom. Well, hey! It worked when we were all kids, right? Our mom got us off our butts to do everything: get to school on time, eat our veggies, bathe. My mom, amid the millions of wonderful things she is, has always been a wonderful source of encouragement throughout my life. Though I think my mom's been too kind to me, she's always been an advocate of self improvement, and in my case, not being too critical on myself to the point of giving up all together. She's supportive of my ideas, which is why she's going along with this shenanigan in the first place. 

     Everything you need to know about me you could get from my linked blog above (only 21 posts--pretty entertaining!), but if you'd rather not, I'm a female that's been overweight all my life; but for a brief, shining moment in high school I got down to my smallest, only to go back up after college. One thing different from my previous blog is that I've actually been able (by the grace of God) to keep twenty pounds off from my max weight. I've also been part of some awesome Facebook groups with friends and family that's kept me motivated the past few years. I really want to stay on this road to fitness, and I'm so excited my mom has decided not only to join me but to write! Both my parents are phenomenal writers and I'm so happy mum is going to share her thoughts and talent with the world!

     Yes, this is a blog about fitness. Yes we're starting this on January first. I don't know how long we can keep this up. You really have no reason to read it. But, like mum and I are starting this blog, we're taking a chance, so can you! I'm going to keep this journey as honest as possible with a slant toward the bubbles in the pink champagne (or in my case, apple cider) of life. I can't help it, the ridiculous and whimsy make my world go 'round. Having this experience with my mom, who's been my ride-or-die person all this time is in a word, excellent. So here's to twentyFITteen--a terrible pun that I'm not sorry for. First workout of the year to be posted soon! 

Cheers to the New Year! 
     The Daughter

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