Thursday, January 1, 2015

Mom with a Blog

Happy New Year !

      To some, those words are unsettling.  They are added pressure on an already stress-filled season of overeating, over-spending, family engagements, and all those other conflicts that arise when the holidays arrive. Peace on earth is measured by a moment as simple as finding a parking space.  To others, the words 'Happy New Year ' symbolize a new start with a clean slate on which to forge never-before realized endeavors.  It means that I can start over and maybe even achieve something lasting that will change what "I" think about my mind, my body and my life.

     Starting this blog with my daughter is definitely a new experience.  I consider her a writer and know that "a writer" must write.  I believe that her view of life is something that this world really needs.  She is not just optimistic, she sees beauty in what most people miss.   She is one of those rare individuals who, no matter what she went through, does not let it taint her faith in God, the world and her fellow-human.  I hope that my encouragement, by way of participation will give her inspiration to write amazing insights that will be the joy in someone's day,  the difference between starting and finishing or even just that "belly laugh" we all need so desperately from time to time.  I have first hand knowledge of this because she has provided all of those things for me.

     Now, for the details that give this blog a reason…..I am a wife, mom and grandma who has been overweight most of my life.  When I was younger, I was somewhat fitness-minded but did have issues with overeating, under-eating and for a short time abused diet pills and laxatives.  I am 200 plus pounds, have chronic health issues like most fifty- year olds but can turn it around if I change my lifestyle.  My exercise of choice is walking for at least half an hour.  We have trained for and entered 10K races.  My personal dream is to do a half-marathon.  I love my family and as we have started a new year, I would like to be healthier by the end of it so, today, as they say, is the first day of the rest of my life.

     "The Daughter" has been my faithful walking partner for the last 6 years.  If there is anyone I can count on in this endeavor, it is her. I have enjoyed our walks together because they are more than exercise.  We have prayed together for family and friends, conducted many philosophical and religious discussions about the woes of humanity, pondered the questions of the universe and snort-laughed about silly experiences so hard, I once had to sprint to the park bathroom or else…Anyway, I hope to give it my best signed, " The MOM. "

January 1, 2015…..Here We Come !

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