Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Morning vs. Afternoon/Kismet Meet-Up at the Back Wall

Mountain view! Can't even tell there was a storm recently.
     Two days in a row! I've got a few posts to catch up on; Mom's posts have been on fire. Though my niece is on the mend from a cold, we've been able to pursue our health goals with help from my awesome sisters T and J. So glad she's feeling better.
      Madre and I were able to get about a forty minute walk in Sunday morning. There was a raging storm the night before, so there was trash and debris everywhere. During our chat, Mom would occasionally pick up bits of trash we would see around--lids with the straws still attached, fast food wrappers and the like. I'm proud to say this is a common practice for her and it inspires me to do the same. It really is a privilege to visit and use a park as beautiful as this one, and it's important to do our part and keep it clean. I'm guilty of overlooking these instances, focusing more on the workout or bits of conversation. I'm lucky my mom looks at these outings as an overall experience rather than just a workout. In this spirit, my mother is also readily able to talk to the people we meet along the way, bidding them hello and flashing a warm smile, while I follow her cue a step behind.  I tend to shy away from social initiations while sweaty and out of breath, but mom in her graceful way adds an air of friendliness wherever she goes.

     Today we went spur of the moment this afternoon--a rarity since that is a busy time for us both. It was unexpected how the experience differs between morning and afternoon. Mornings, as described in previous posts, haven't too many people, besides the regulars on the path. We were surprised to see a lot of people at the park, mostly using the path while a man and his son rode pocket bikes on the field. The demographic of people changed as well. Morning park goers seem to move at an easier pace, rising early to greet the sun and start the day. The afternoon brings out men and women coming home from a busy day at work and catching a quick jog; others are friends meeting up and families going for a work out then hurrying home before sundown. I, inspired by other men and women, even jogged some of the straight portions of the path to keep up with the frenzied afternoon pace. Mom didn't care for going in the afternoons, but after a while (mostly the endorphins kicking in) I found the experience exciting and enjoyable; I'd definitely go at that time again.

                                               *                              *                               *
     Yesterday, halfway out my back door to hang some laundry I heard the voice of our next door neighbor wishing my family and I a happy new year. Miss O is a beautiful, outgoing woman with a wonderful family and the best dog you'll ever meet. I also find on occasions when we do talk, there is a bigger reason for doing so, and this time was no exception. Among the many subjects we touched on, we got on the subject of taking better care of our bodies. We shared our dieting woes of wishing for food that was both flavorful and healthy, as well as our confusion over portion control (what does a fingertip's serving of cheese actually mean? Is it the length or the width?) It's encouraging to know I'm  not the only one continually struggling with these issues, though I feel I have fewer excuses for my lack of body maintenance.
     Just today we met again over the back wall where Miss O lent me a book of weight training exercises for women. Weight training is something I haven't been comfortable with since I know nothing about proper technique, but I'm hoping this will bring me to another level in my fitness. I usually shy away from fitness commitments of any kind, however I think it's good to have as much support and accountability as possible. I'm happy to have another ally on this journey and look forward to learning and accomplishing as much as possible on the way.

     Here's to all the women and men making changes, taking risks, failing and succeeding. Let's keep the momentum going strong. For what it's worth, I gotcho back!
Listen to Richard!

     God Bless,
     The Daughter

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