Friday, July 17, 2015

Fit in Spirit

     Since before I graduated college in fall of 2013, I felt a pull to learn more about my connection to God (or the Great Spirit or the Universe--however you want to phrase this entity that is bigger than ourselves). Though my posts focus mostly on bodily fitness with some spirituality mixed in, the spirit is actually a bigger part of my process than I write about. In fact, it's an every day pursuit. There have been moments in my short life when I had to rely on something larger than I, and things I've seen that don't have a logical explanation other than forces outside our field of vision exist. I'm sure anyone reading this has those experiences that are more than pure coincidence.

     One such experience happened right out in my cul-de-sac. I was taking my niece for a walk when our neighbor met us on the road with her daughter. The girls had a play date while we talked about current events and our walk with the Lord. There were things I believe the spirit was leading me to study, and this lovely neighbor had the perfect book allowing me to follow that leading. Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall and Debbie Jones is about pursuing God and becoming the spiritual woman you were meant to be. This book allowed me to trust and rely on God in a way I hadn't before, which I was extremely grateful for.

     Most recently I picked up a book my mother heard about from a friend called E-Squared by Pam Grout. This book on the back cover is described as "a lab manual with simple experiments that prove reality is malleable, consciousness trumps matter and you shape your life with your mind." If you've heard of The Secret it's similar to that--you are constantly sending out bodily vibrations that determines the shape of your physical surroundings. It's a departure from my own traditional beliefs, however it presents a lot of biblical truth in a different way. The book mentions how Jesus was the ultimate master of these spiritual principles that altered physical "reality." For example, His ability to heal the sick and walk on water are some of the direct manifestations of this greater spiritual force.
     I do believe our perception of what's going on in life can be altered. Take for example the (seemingly) concrete measure of time. Time tells me when I get my teeth cleaned or if I missed the bus. But time can also be condensed and stretched. We've all had those moments: four hours with friends feel like one, while the last two minutes of class before Spring Break seem like an eternity.
    You've heard similar principles of the Law of Attraction--negative attracts negative, the thing you focus on most will come to pass, etc. One thing the book pointed out that I agreed with was the societal focus on negativity. Society feeds us bad news at 6 o'clock every night, while commercial breaks tell us we're hungry, not pretty enough or too fat to go through life without Product X. This steady stream of negativity flows through our brains, and theoretically disrupts the spiritual field. According to the book, attracting positive things to you via the force is as simple as "plugging in a toaster into a wall"--the electricity going into the toaster is this force at work: the toaster would work for you without pleading and prodding for it to work, or despite being a good or bad person.
     One part of this book I still have a bit of an issue with was how this power is to be used. In one section the author mentions using this power to manifest "dates with hot guys...[and] a Toyota Prius." I know the books is meant for exercises to get out of our self-made boxes, but I can't imagine using such a thing for material possessions only. Going back to Jesus, He always used is power to serve others. I thought manifesting these kinds meant we are to share them. Freely you have received, freely give...But perhaps I have been conditioned into the reality that the good in life can't be free, and I have to work really, really, really, really, really hard to have good or nice things.
     I'm conducting one of the experiments now. According to this one, you're supposed to give God/ the Universe 48 hours to grant a request for a blessing--one that is so out of the ordinary it can't be a coincidence. The Spirit has until 6 this evening to bless me. Ask and ye shall receive, so I'm looking out for it.
      I'm still learning about all this and definitely testing the spirits, but I would genuinely like to know if I'm making my life out to be more difficult than it actually is. So here's to trying new things because everything will work out for our good anyway.

The Daughter

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