Sunday, July 5, 2015

Weekends always throw me off....

So, just came off a great weekend.   From Friday thru Sunday it was a world wind of family, friends, food, no exercise and hardly any sleep.  Yesterday was spent trying to catch up on sleep and reflect on the events of the weekend.  I was so thankful that we walked on Friday, 6/26/15.  It was a fabulous almost hour of quick-paced excitement as I got to walk with TD, on our path with the sun so bright and the breeze of life, that blew so consistently.  It's summer in Hawaii and the humidity can be a real problem.  If not for our trade winds, we would perish on the path of Life....That would be pretty sad.

My motivation was high as we tried to shave some time off our pace and get home because the weekend would be very challenging.  Our park hostess was really going at it with the weed-whacker.  There was another lady helping her this morning.  As we circled our hostess for the second time, she looked up and greeted us, then explained that a fellow park user had complained to our Mayor that the park was overgrown and shabby.  Our hostess began to regale us with the story which explained why she was working so hard and had her "friend" there helping her.  Her girlfriend was very quiet and charming.  She expressed the need to help keep her girlfriend "cool" because she had a temper if pushed.  The park looked great.  We tried to convince her of our undying appreciation and encouraged her not to be moved by people who found fault with her work style.  It was a great walk.

Today, was very challenging and required our mind power and patience.  IT WAS HOT ! Records were being set all week and today was not different.  We set out to walk for an hour but instead went about 45 minutes due to the extreme heat.  Our hostess had pretty much finished the park and was trying to touch-up any things that was missed.  The sweat was hard and we were drained.

On our last two laps, a strange happening took place.....We were going round and heard a loud noise.  We looked up and low and behold, it was a helicopter that ever so swiftly landed on a small section of the park, picked up a man who was waiting for him and then took off.  TD and I had never been that close to a helicopter and were blown away.  We watched the pilot lift off and fly in the direction of Honolulu, over the mountains and near the descending of cloud cover.  On our last lap, we witnessed the copter return to dropped the man off and fly away.  It was awesome.  I was sore from  the long weekend and the festivities.  We finished our walk and enjoyed the simplicity of wind blowing threw the car windows, deep sips of ice cold water and the satisfaction of knowing we did something that was going to contribute to our health and well being.  Weekends throw me off because they are times of celebration that result in no real exercise, no accountability and no desire to be reminded of my restrictions and the reasons for them.....that's why I lose any change I gain and whats worse is I don't worry about it.  I guess this confession is shining a light on why there hasn't been a lot of progress.  I hope to improve.

Progress:  A walk, a friend and a helicopter.

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