Saturday, June 13, 2015

Jillian Michaels.....Angel of Death!

Good morning,  Great morning!

After publishing my last post, I felt some relief about revealing the life-issues my family is facing currently.  Identifying that my Mother's condition was having a profound effect on my outlook made a change in me.  It's important to accept that the changes my own family has faced these past months does,  have an effect on your normal and you should not  feel guilty that you have to create a new way of dealing with your life to accommodate them.  Anyone you value, like parents and grandchildren,  impacts not just the day to day, but it gets inside you and challenges the core of who you are and who you need to be for them.  These changing roles put pressure on who you were but due to circumstances, can't be anymore.  These people are valid reasons to reassess and restructure your life and they are truly worth all the changes.  That being said, I do look to God to help me with this new frontier knowing that I, even in weakness have help from something/someone bigger then me.  I am God's child and know my Father will not abandon me, He will make me able to cope and care for those who need me.

I am so grateful that TD has a workout partner that can challenge her in new ways.  I myself sense that my fitness needs are changing and don't what to hold anyone back.  The accountability is vital to seeing results.  Blogging our experiences is part of that process.

I am happy to report that while TD was working out with our wonderful neighbor " O ", I too, did a workout.  Jillian of the most dreaded names in the fitness world and the creator of the 30 day shred, was my choice for today.   I did this workout months ago, but didn't remember just how hard it was.  The sweat was intense and the circuits of cardio, resistance and strength were dizzying.  You really need to breathe during these sessions or YOU WILL PASS OUT!  Jillian is crazy, and crazy is as crazy does.
During this session, I became very aware of the tissue tear I have in my left biceps brachii muscle, shoulder area.  Windmills are difficult.  Any kind of hyper-extension of that area creates tenderness. I finished the 20 minute workout and it was ugly; this is not the kind of thing you do in front of others.  My hair was a mess, clothes were saturated and my face was unrecognizable.  I was not misting, I was full-on, out-of-breath, red-faced, slap-a-veil-on-it SWEATING.  I am still sitting here waiting for one ear to become unplugged.  The good news is I survived and was able to release some of the negative emotions I expressed in my previous post.

It is true, working out is the best way to alleviate stress.  It also changes the thought process because you go from being overwhelmed by circumstances into a place where you are trying to breathe, stay alive and standing, then finally just grateful you have survived the workout.

I am even thankful for the Angel of Death, she does care in her own "whack-job" way.

Progress: Workout done....Outlook good....Rest of the day, to be determined.

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