Monday, June 15, 2015

The Day After a Jillian Michaels workout.

Yesterday I did a workout called "Shred" by Jillian Michaels.....during the workout, while doing the Ab strength exercise, I got a cramp in my stomach.  Today, everything hurts.  You know how bodybuilders talk about leg day and can't walk the day after.....this was similar to that.  My neck was cramping because I pulled on it too much during the Ab portion of the biceps, flanks, quads and thighs were sore.  I  figured I would try to stretch and maybe do some other kind of exercise later in the day.

The kids wanted to go to the toy store, so I thought I'd pick something up for them to play with since it wasn't beach weather.....They each got a toy which I thought, would free me up to get a walk in or  maybe I could do a fitness tape.  I ended up becoming more sore so I looked around at my yard and thought that yard work would be the best exercise for today.  It was a beautiful summer day  but I had hoped that there would have been more of a breeze.....anyhow, I grabbed my sickle and headed out to weed the " Bird of paradise" in my front yard.  Tropical plants are so beautiful and after the last pruning session, the birds were really starting to bloom.  TD came out to weed as well.  Earlier that morning TD went to work out with " O " so she really didn't require an extra work out but she did it.

We both started on the Ti Leaf plants and with the lack of breeze and sun beaming down on us started a nice sweat and full body stretch.  I feel so blessed to live where I live with all this beauty to behold.  The muscle pain started to subside and when the sun went behind the clouds, it was very pleasant.  I spent a good 45 minutes outside and felt confident I had a good stretch at the very least.

When dinner came, I was a bad girl.....too much of everything....the only saving grace is that I had not used all my calories from yesterday.....still it was bad but it's over and I hope I can redeem myself tomorrow.  I think that I'll use pictures to fill up my post because it might better describe how I feel today and might be more entertaining.

Progress:  45 minutes of yard work and a Thank you to Jillian Michaels for the effects on my body the day after working out with her....I can still feel it.

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