Saturday, June 20, 2015

Path Pals

What a great morning.....I am still a bit sore from previous workouts  but had a secret desire to go walking at my favorite place, The walking path.  It's such a gorgeous day, no clouds and nothing but Summer sunshine on our faces...and sunscreen of course.  The daughters ended up not working out with our beloved neighbor so when I was expressing my need to take a little jaunt at our park, TD decided to join in with our 4 year old. 

We approached our "special" place and found just a couple walkers on the trail this morning.  It was much later then usual.  The sun was high in the sky and the breezes were gentle.  My anticipation was excited by our little one taking off and us trying to follow close behind.  Her eagerness is so motivating.

I always look forward to certain people at our special place.  The lady that keeps the park clean is such a joyful, sassy, hard working individual that makes the world a better place.  I will never tire of her off-color remarks and her 411-gossip sessions about the latest park happenings.  Luckily, she understands we're walking by and won't stop so she gives us the headlines so we don't break our stride.

Another interesting fellow-fitness seeker is a guy who is always reading while he is walking.  Years ago, we marveled at his talent and watched to see if he could maintain his reading when there was a curve in the path or a crack in the pavement.  We were amazed because we never saw him miss a step.  We always greet our fellow walkers but for some reason, every time we would approach this guy, he was reading and didn't look up to see us.  At first, I thought he was antisocial and used the "reading thing" as a way to avoid socializing.  A few weeks later, we observed "the reader" exchanging pleasantries with another walker.  I realized that my previous estimation of his character was way off.  He probably just didn't want to acknowledge us. With this development, I felt deflated in spirit but would try to greet him anyway.  The days went on and then it happened, I said "Good morning" and then he looked up and responded with a  "HI."  Anyway, he became a cohort of sorts.

Since we have returned to the path this year, "the reader" has reverted into his previous behavior of read-walking with NO social interaction.  I guess we will have to rebuild the trust we shared which consisted of two solid months of almost daily activity and the occasional head-node and an out-of-breath hello.

As I stated earlier, it was hot.  20 something minutes into the walk I really became aware of the sun and the intense heat I was experiencing.  I started to notice that the profuse loss of sweat was accompanied with dizziness.   IT WAS VERY HOT!  I decided that maybe the heat was going to overwhelm my desire to continue on our present course, so we left.  I don't look at our leaving as failure but instead self preservation.  In Hawaii, we have " Peak Sun Hours" which deters a person from being in the sun between the hours of 10am and 2pm.  I feel sure that leaving the park at 11:30am was the best thing to do especially, since there were no trade winds blowing that would have insured a successful walk.

Will try again tomorrow and get an earlier start! Very grateful for TD and Sun's presence today.

Progress:  Walked a little, reminisced about special people on our path and left before the heat-stroke.

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